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The California Revolution.

Decentralize the nation-state. Make it that local counties and regions have more power, not Sacramento Democrats. Let's

have a new State Constitution.



California is a diverse state with unique needs and challenges in different regions. Giving more power to local counties and regions can help address these issues more effectively. Let's work towards a more decentralized approach to governance in our great state. Lets have a new California Revolution with a new state constitution written by a new constitutional convention.

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The California Constitution

History of State Constitutional Conventions


What is the California Revolution?

A New State Constitution for a nation-state: What The New Constitution Would Do.

1. Rename the State to “California Confederation”. California is a de facto nation-state due to the population being larger than Canada, and the economy larger than Germany.


2. The state will be divided into seven regions encompassing multiple counties (see below). Each region will have a Regional Governor, Regional Lt. Governor, and Regional Assembly. Every region of this size has all the same powers as the current state government except for the following enumerated rights of the state. All Regional Assemblies votes incorporate proportional representation to end the duopoly of the Democrats and the Republicans.


3.All agencies are devolved to the new Regional levels.The National Guard is maintained as a state-wide agency, under Sacramento, as well as the California Highway Patrol and any other existing state-wide law enforcement agencies as well as the administration of the prison system.


NOTE: The Regions will have power over: drug enforcement, gun control, income tax rates, sales tax rates, gas tax rates, electricity infrastructure, and housing regulations. The Regions do not have any control over any issue concerning a “fundamental human right”. Only Sacramento and the voting public do. The Regions would be virtually states within the state.



What are fundamental human rights that the State will have control over?

  • Healthcare and abortion access.

  • Civil rights and LGBTQ rights.

  • Education (K-12 and Higher education).

  • Voting rights.

  • Regulation of prisons.

  • Water rights.

  • Housing.

  • Food.

  • Fighting wildfires.

  • Public transportation (and roads).



4. Dissolve the State Senate.Enlarge the State Assembly to equal  theCanadian Parliament as a whole (440 members) due to equivalency in population between California and Canada.


5.Establish that the State Assembly can only approve, disapprove legislation relating to fundamental human rights. The State Assembly cannot set a statewide income tax. The State Assembly can supervise the state’s bureaucracy, and approve the state’s overall budget. The state budget is supported by contributions from the Regions through a formula based on average income levels per capita approved by the State Assembly (Note: Modeled on the European Union).


6.Establish and  Elect Board of Directors to take the role of the current State Executive Branch. The Board of Directors, numbering 7 individuals, are elected at large by all of California. The State Assembly assigns what portfolio of the state government is assigned to which Director (Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller, Insurance Commissioner, etc.) (Note: Modeled on the Swiss Federal Council).


7. Create a Chair position as a mostly ceremonial head of state to replace the Governor. The Chair represents the state as a whole. The Chair cannot veto state wide legislation, it can only refer it to the State Supreme Court for judicial review. The Chair nominates members of the judiciary and can issue pardons and commutations. The Chair position is rotated amongst the members of the Board of Directors every year. A Vice Chair position is also rotated amongst the members of the Board of Directors, and would become the Chair the next year. The Vice Chair serves akin to the Vice President of the United States to take charge in case of the death or incapacitation of the current chair.



What are the proposed Regions of California?

Jefferson, North California, Silicon Valley, Central California, East California, West California, and South California.


The regions are broken down by counties:



Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity.


North California:

Amador, El Dorado, Marin, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba.


Silicon Valley:

Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz.


Central California:

Alpine, Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced,San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, and Tuolumne.


East California:

Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, Alpine and Mono.


West California:

Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.


South California:

Imperial, Orange, and San Diego.




"Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force and not of right."

Thomas Jefferson

American Revolutionary



Let’s Fix California.

California National Party

1017 L Street #294
Sacramento, CA 95814
(818) 970-2241

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